All Hail Goo Gone!

After exactly 104 hours of relocating every single book, every single shelf, every single shelf pin and every free-standing book cabinet save three (and one that the tech team moved for me), it was time to start tackling smaller chores from my library to-do list.

I've been dreading having to remove cemented-on masking tape used as cart labels and nearly solidified adhesive residue from the wood bookcase signage...

... and then I remembered that I found an o-l-d bottle of Goo Gone in the bookroom several weeks back:

This stuff is my NEW BEST LIBRARY FRIEND, people~! **LOOK** at these before and afters!

I know, I know, all of you were probably already familiar with the miraculousness of Goo Gone, but making the t-w-e-n-t-y book carts (I counted after the last blog post) super clean and leaving the library cabinetry free from all sticker and signage cement yuckiness just made my day, even if there's a good chance that the bottle I found was produced in the mid-1980s. 


Do you know what else I counted?  The number of metal bookends I need for all of the library shelves.

Sixty-three.  I need sixty-three bookends. 

