January in the Library

 January flew by thanks to quite a few inclement weather days!  Despite being away from school, students seemed to really enjoy the days that they returned to our library, especially as they read and voted for their favorite books in our school's second mock Caldecott event.  Here were some of our contenders, but also included were Big, The Skull, and Jumper:

Grades 3-5 voted using an online Google form while K-2 voted using paper ballots, selecting their top three finalists (two tied for third, so we ended up with four from which we made our final vote).  I sent a Google slide of our four books to classroom teachers and they simply had their students tally their responses.

Simon and the Better Bone won our mock Caldecott, and students have been eager to get their hands on all of this year's award-winning books!

After our Kansas City Chiefs won their spot for this year's Super Bowl, I borrowed an idea shared on Twitter for a prediction activity for staff and students.  The cheering and smack-talk (as polite as possible, of course) have made for a roaring good time with each class visit.

With so many snow days, it's already February!
