October Library Displays

 It feels good to mark the end of one month and the beginning of another in the library! 

I've found that paper lanterns and pinwheels help set the stage, er, countertop, for thematic book displays that all students see when they enter the space.

A monthly calendar is appreciated by those students wanting to keep track of the school's goings-on, while I love draping a quilt over my chair at the circulation desk (another pumpkin-themed quilt is on my rocking chair at the storytime rug) and accessorizing with a cute pillow.  Those cute recycled book page ghosts were inspired by this post on Instagram @greatlibrarydisplays:

As our book fair takes place this month and students are learning to identify various book/story genres, Brad Buffalo is going to work double-duty promoting both.  The book fair's theme is "Cracking the Case," implying the solving of a mystery, so I still need to create a Sherlock Holmes hat and magnifying glass for him in our hallway display, but he's looking good so far.   

My personal books and cute decor items that really shouldn't be touched or played with are displayed in the glass case accompanied by some twinkle lights (they're not on in this photo).  I clean nose and fingerprints off of the glass almost daily.

I haven't the time nor the inclination to paper over walls or the endcaps of bookcases every single month to create thematic murals, so these focused areas (and a hallway display monitor outside of the office in our building's main hallway) are where I invest my effort when it comes to promoting books and reading with passive programming. 



You can find this fun library/booklover/librarian tee in my Etsy Shop in mauve, heather, pink, gray, orange and light blue:
