Librarian and Reader Fashion: New Items in the Shop!

Spring break is over and that means that there's only one-quarter of school left before SUMMER!

It also means that inventory is just around the corner, s-i-g-h. 

Seriously, beeping every single beeping barcode on every single beeping shelf on every single beeping bookcase against every single beeping wall and in every single beeping nook and cranny... it's a necessary task that can feel like it takes BEEPING forever.  In order to get the job completed AND minimize the number of books that have to be replaced (using the school budget, no less) by the end of the school year, it helps to be cheerful and positive. And how better to support that mood than to call in a cute hedgehog to help?

Here it is on a large bookbag, encouraging reading AND the return of library books:

And here's Hedgie's cute mug on a, well, mug (11 ounces):

Does the sentiment fit you "to a T?" There's an option for that too in sizes small to 3X:

Hedgie's sure to garner smiles and the message to return books will remain in patron's memories, which can help out librarians and other readers all year long, not just at inventory time.


... and while spring weather hasn't exactly corresponded with the declared arrival of spring itself, 'tis the season for bunnies and pastels.  If you're a librarian, teacher, or book lover who loves to layer, look at these sweeties, er, sweet-tees:

Readers of all ages will enjoy wearing these!  Hippity-hop over to my Etsy shop to order and to see more of what I've added recently.
