Bed Full of Books

 Sure, this stack of graphic novels, chapter, and picture books is a lovely sight...

...but is there anything more comfy-cozy and inviting looking than a bed FULL of books?

These purchases, most new with some thrifted make up part of my summer reading.  

I also get to review these wonderful books as a Kansas State Reading Commissioner, a role I have yet to come to fully understand which unfortunately hasn't been made more simple by being added to a huge listserv of KNEA representatives.  If I'm a commissioner, am I also considered a "president" or "head"of a region?  If so, what do my duties entail?  If not, what say we take my name off of this particular mass email list because WHEW, it's a bit much. 

Admittedly, I find a bed full of books even more appealing during the fall and winter as cooler temps prevail and I can add hot coffee or tea to sip (accompanied with cookies), but for now I'll enjoy the air conditioning and drink some peach tea while I read and pore over wonderful illustrations.

What are you reading?
