November Bulletin Boards: Curricular and Creative

I'm finding that I'm really enjoying the combination of instructional support signage and student crafts on our very long (and curved) hallway bulletin board.  This month, I've printed out (oversized) this text features pack from Braided Maven at TPT and displayed the pages with turkeys "gobbling" up good books that several classes assembled on whatever the last school day of October was. I created the pattern and will post it as a freebie here soon if you're interested in it. Next year I'll have students add titles to their turkey's book cover!

Several grades walk down and back through this hallway multiple times each day for recess, so I thought it would be the perfect spot to not only promote reading and our library but to support some grade-level curricular content related specifically to literacy development as well.  I'm unable to truly collaborate with teaching teams due to my fixed and abbreviated schedule, but my district banks curriculum maps online as staff resources that I find extremely handy on early (very early) mornings when I'm suffering from insomnia.

No, really! Third grade is identifying text features?  And I'm supposed to be helping students differentiate between fiction and non-fiction stories!  BAM! Bulletin board inspiration!  That's some gobble-gobble goodness, right there.

Here are the library's other displays:

Books, mini-posters and toy soldiers, helicopters and tanks fill our glass display case along with a turkey I've used for y-e-a-r-s as a kindergarten teacher:

The wonderful posters were created and generously shared by BriTheLibrarian via @GreatLibraryDisplays on Instagram, so go follow both accounts if you'd like to request your own copy!

Now I just need to choose our winter theme for December and January's displays. December is always short due to winter vacation, and January can BE short if inclement weather hits Kansas, so I'm thinking snowy friends will see us through both months, lightening my workload considerably. 


Happy Veterans Day! 

This is me with my favorite veteran, years ago.  He retired after twenty-eight years of service.
